Factory details
We take great care in choosing how and where our clothes are manufactured. We choose to work with a small factory in Huzhou, China which is a BSCI-certified factory that specializes in the creation of high-quality, sustainable apparel products. The factory has a low staff turnover, with most employees having worked at the factory for a minimum of 3-4+ years. The factory is audited regularly to ensure that workers are paid above-average living wages, provided with proper rest days, and given benefits including healthcare and paid vacation. All products are packaged into compostable polybags, reducing plastic waste. The fabrics, dye and ink we use are Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certified which means they are tested for harmful substances.
Materials we use
We endeavour to use fibres that are more environmentally friendly, such as linen, cupro and TENCEL. Linen is derived from the flax plant, it requires minimal water to grow and every part of the plant is used so nothing is wasted. Linen is also strong and durable which will extend the life of products.
Cupro is a regenerated cellulose fiber that comes from cotton waste. It’s a by-product of cotton production. Cupro is made in a closed loop system, meaning that water used in the production of Cupro are constantly reused until they are completely exhausted.
TENCEL Lyocell is a man-made cellulosic fibre (MMCF) created by dissolving wood pulp. It requires less energy and water to produce than cotton and is 100% biodegradable.
Packaging we use
We ship our orders in compostable mailers and craft mailers, either made from 70-80% PBAT and 20-30% plant-based materials or from 100% recycled paper.